VIN Correction
A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a 17-digit number that identifies a vehicle. A VIN is used to file for a Form 2290 the IRS uses VINs for identification purposes. However, if you have filed a 2290 Form with an incorrect VIN the user must file a 2290 VIN correction. This will allow the filer to obtain a new Schedule 1 with the correct VIN.
Gross Weight Increase
A gross weight increase amendment is done when a vehicle increases its weight. If the vehicle has an accepted Schedule 1 with a weight that is less than the actual vehicle weights the filer has to file for a gross weight increase with the correct category the vehicle falls under. Once the correction has been made the filer will receive a new Schedule 1 with the correct weight category. However, since the weight has increased there will be an additional tax owed that will need to be paid to the IRS.
Mileage Exceeded Correction
Mileage Exceeding corrections are usually made for suspended vehicles that have exceeded the 5000 miles or 7500 miles for an agricultural vehicle. The filer must file a correction for mileage exceeded and will have to pay taxes to the IRS. Once the correction has been filed the filer will receive a new Schedule 1 Form with the updated information.
Why Is An Amendment Or A Correction Needed?
When a filer is reporting any document to the IRS, tax officials will verify the reported information. To avoid audits or penalties, the IRS encourages businesses to maintain full transparency and accuracy when reporting any type of document through returns.
Businesses in the trucking industry are likely to report inaccurate information on the vehicle because of the variable nature of the business. This is why the IRS provides Form 2290 Amendments to help businesses “correct” or “update” the information previously reported to the IRS.
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