Authorized IRS 1098 Form Tax E-Filing Application
Effortlessly file your all 1098 tax forms with Tax2efile application. Tax2efile is an IRS Authorized online tax filing platform that offers swift and hassle-free
solutions to simplify your tax filing process. By utilizing our application tax filers can access
1098-MORT, 1098-F, 1098-E, 1098-C, 1098-Q, and 1098-T forms. Our system is designed to handle the
intricacies associated with these specific forms, ensuring accuracy and compliance with the latest
1098 Tax Forms: Types and Purpose of Filing
Form 1098-MORT
It is used to report mortgage interest of $600 or more received by the filer during
every tax year in the course of trade or business including a sole proprietor. When it comes to
filing the 1098-MORT Form,
our user-friendly software guides you through the necessary steps, ensuring accuracy and compliance
with the latest tax regulations.
Form 1098-T
It is used to report the expenses and tuition of students attending an educational
institution. Common filers are education institutions with students enrolled in courses or programs
for one or more academic periods during the year. By filing 1098-T Form,
Students can potentially benefit from tax credits, deductions, and other educational benefits
offered by the government.
Form 1098-F
IRS Form 1098-F is used to report required payments to
governmental entities and certain nongovernmental entities to report fines, penalties, and other
amounts that may reach a minimum of $600 in a calendar year. Government agencies, including state
tax agencies, are required to file Form 1098-F with the IRS to report settlements of lawsuits.
Form 1098-E
Form 1098-E is used to report the amount of interest the
taxpayers paid on student loans in a calendar year. Tax2efile online platform
provides a streamlined and efficient process to handle your 1098-E form filing requirements.
Form 1098-Q
IRS Form 1098-Q is used to report the purchase of any
contract intended to be a Qualifying Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC) in a calendar year during a
tax year. Tax Filers must accurately report the information from the 1098-Q form on your tax return to ensure compliance with tax
regulations and to determine the tax implications of the distributions.
Form 1098-C
It is used when a filer donates a qualified vehicle (Motor Vehicle, Boat, or Airplane) to a qualified
charitable organization. Form 1098-C
is reported by the charitable organization who receives the donation as a vehicle or any other
qualified property. By reporting this form both donors and the received charitable organization
fulfill their obligations with transparency and accuracy.
Tax2efile will take 24-48 business hours to submit 1098 Forms to IRS if you filed 1098 tax Forms
Note: Receipts of interest from corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates,
associations or companies do not require 1098, according to the IRS.