

If you are required to file a federal income tax return you are also required to file state income tax return with the state of Missouri, unless:

  • You are a resident with less than $1,200 of Missouri AGI
  • You are a nonresident with less than $600 of Missouri income
  • Your Missouri AGI is less than the amount of your standard deduction and personal exemptions combined.

You are considered a Missouri resident if you hold domicile (permanment home) in the state or have lived in the state for more than 183 days during the tax year.


Any individual that has established domicile in the state during the tax year or has moved from the state, setting up permanent residency elsewhere, during the tax year; is considered a part-year resident of Missouri. Part-year residents may take either a Missouri residency credit or Missouri income percentage (their choice). Couples filing jointly can have both individuals in the marriage select either option when filing income tax.


Individual who do not live in the state of Missouri are nonresidents. Individuals with a permanent home (domicile) in the state can be consider a nonresident if:

  • They do not maintain permanent place of abode in the state
  • Hold a permanent home elsewhere; and
  • Spends no more than 30 days of the taxable year in the state of Missouri

Nonresidents may claim a Missouri income percentage reducing their Missouri tax liability to only Missouri sourced income from the tax year.

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